Daily Archives: December 12, 2007

Happy Mitchell Report Eve!


For those who are baseball fans, tomorrow is poised to be a flurry of information. The Mitchell report, now in the hands of Major League Baseball, is expected to be released Thursday. Would it surprise me if one of the major media outlets got their hands on it early? Of course not. But everyone will have access when it is released.

I’m usually not a Howard Bryant (ESPN columnist) fan, but his story about the Mitchell report is must read if you are interested at all in what will happen after the report is released. I warn you, it is a long read however. My favorite part of that piece is this-

While much of the emphasis regarding steroid use has focused on West Coast teams such as Oakland, San Francisco and San Diego, three players who admitted to using steroids — Canseco, Jeremy Giambi and Paxton Crawford — spent time with the Red Sox. Another, the former American League MVP Mo Vaughn, admitted that in 1998 he used Pro-HGH, an oral form of human growth hormone. In 2000, Boston police found steroids and syringes in a car owned by shortstop Manny Alexander that had been loaned to the team batboy.

I have written before, and make no apologies for the fact that I am openly rooting for a dozen Red Sox players to be named here. Including MVPapi himself. But seriously, do you think Mitchell will allow that to happen? According to this ESPN report, there will be 60-80 player names in that report. With that many players, we would have to assume that nearly every team will have someone represented. Though some teams might escape, seeing as how California labs and the Mets clubhouse attendant seem to be major players in the report. You would think that an AL Midwest team like Kansas City might escape scrutiny, but then they go and sign players that have already tested positive. After the jump, fun with the Mitchell report scoreboard!

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Filed under baseball, cheating, ESPN, Mitchell Report, MLB, Sports, steroids